2022 AGM


Due to covid and forgetfulness we have neglected to hold an AGM during the apr21-mar22 financial year. Also nobody paid membership fees during that time - oops.

The previously elected committee members are deemed to be interim until we hold the next AGM.
Greg - interim chair
Blair - interim players rep
David - interim treasurer & ST rep

I am attaching a copy of the constitution as it stands, and a proposed agenda/minutes doc for perusal.

  • Players of the game are not required to become members of the club
  • Only members of the club can vote on changes to the constitution or other club matters
  • Membership is $10 per year
  • Members of the club get one free game per year
  • New members of the club (not previously been members) also get their 5th game of the year free
  • Anyone paying their $10 membership fees by the cutoff date below will be a member for the Apr22-Mar23 financial year and eligible to vote at the AGM and/or stand for committee positions.

AGM Venue: TBA
AGM Date: Sat 16th July at 8pm
Cutoff for Proxy Votes: Thur 14th July at 8pm (To Chair)
Cutoff for payment of membership fees: Thur 14th July at 8pm
Cutoff for Agenda Items: Sat 2nd July at 8pm

Existing constitution:
CCG - Constitution May 2019.pdf (181.0 KB)

Agenda for AGM
CCG - AGM minutes July 16 2022.pdf (274.1 KB)

If anyone wants to nominate someone for one of the positions of Char, Treasurer or Player Rep please do so one one of the posts I will create soon for that effect. If you are nominated then pls reply to indicate if you accept or decline it.

The 4th committee position is appointed by the ST team to represent their interesyts on the committee. At present as a solo ST this is David.

If there is a change of committee members then bankig will stay with the outgoing members until such time as the new reps get their access sorted.

Questions can be asked as comments to this post please.

Submissions for the agenda can be added to the post for that effect also.

If you look at the agenda/minutes PDF you will note that we have currecntly got $315.00 of unpaid game fees. I have been soft in not hounding people but this has meant that the people who do pay up are funding it for everyone else, and this is hampering our capability to improve the club by purchasing required assets etc. You will likely be aware if you have not been paying up, please PM me if you would like to correct that situation. :wink:


If anyone has paid game fees in the last 2 months and wishes to have one of them counted as both their annual membership fee and their free game as a member of the club then pls message me.

If anyone wishes to vote at this weekends AGM then you need to make sure your membership is paid, or that you wish to have your last set of game fees taken as membership.



We will hold the AGM over discord.


AGM Minutes (hopefully) attached.

David - can you please reset authorities on the forum for the old/new committee members.


CCG - AGM minutes July 16 2022.pdf (415.4 KB)

I’ve added the people who were present to the Committee group. Should I be removing Blair?

Yes remove Blair, committee should be the four of us on the committee.

Greg, David, Stephen and Bruni … elected to committee so they are the ones on the committee group