A city, very much still not on fire

From the ffice of the undisputed Baron;

To all anarchs. Our city is being torn in multiple directions, and it is down to us to solve this problem.
No longer are we divided.
No longer are we directionless
No longer are we victims of cruelty anr oppression.
We ahve a place, we have a home, and we have a fellowship, and that is worth more than all else.

But they want to take it from us.

the Sabbat raid taught us a few things.

  1. there are infernalists of incredible power among them.
  2. They will nto stop coming until we prove to the Archbishop that we are a force to be reckoned with.
  3. When we are united, nothing can stop us.

Afterward, we met Fist. A Sabbat elder who is here hunting his next meal. Diablire is something the movement does not, can not and will nto tolerate. We are not slaves to tryign to advance the generations, generation is emaningless. In the eyes of the movement, we are all equal.
However with him came the news that there may be something powerful lurking in our domain. It is of the Baron’s belief that if Fist finds this thign, it doesn;t matter who wins, we lose. Either the thing he awakens kills him, then us, or Fist shows us up for being incompetent further painting the picture that hamilton is up for grabs.
And once again
this is our home, this is not disputed territory.

Out agreement with Fist as it stands, is that he is free to move through the area so long as he doesn;t bring anyone else in, or commit violence against he Anarchs. In exchange we will not bring violence to him.
At least not yet.
In exchange he has given us an up to date location, numbers and strength of all of the packs in or heading to hamilton for this contest. @Bouncer can you please eloborate on this when you have time.

Anyone who presents information that contributes significantly to the elimanation of this contest will reciev a major boon from the domain.
Anyone who wipes out a Pack, will recieve a minor Boon from the domain.
All other information will consitute a trivial boon from the domain.
Of course, any information will have to be given to me as the Authority in roder to collect such a boon
Fist’s body is a Blood boon from the Domain, if it is torpored, a Major if ashed, if an attack is unsuccesful however, you will be a Cherry we need to recognize our limitations.

The hunters
we have a rough timeline of 3 months before they attack.
In force, and in large numbers with intel.
This, is, I believe our most immediate threat.

Information that contributes with exceptional significance in elimnating the hunter threat will the owing of a major Boon on behalf of the domain.
Elimination of a significant portion of the hunter threat will also result in a major boon.
If you can take some action to buy us time without significant consequence, you will recive a Minor Boon.
Any information that leads to their elimination, but that I do not deem as exceptionaly significant, will recieve a trivial boon.

Now on to the Settites.
This is the juradstiction of our esteemed Ambassador, @LyraBlackheart and her assitant @Alice_Bones and she is, i believe handlign the situation. If you wish to aid her in any way, send her a message or lend a DTA, rewards will be at her discretion, but will be run by me for Authorization, should they be boons on behalf of the domain.

For the Camarilla.
If anyone can deliver the Prince torpored to me, you will recieve a Major boon, and your choice of *Connected, Preacher, Defender, Loyal or Honorable * Plus major Kudos.

It goes without saying that all of this needs to be done with the upmost discretion and covering the masquerade. Our Architect @Anthony will help with masquerade breaches, and will extract boons on behalf of the Domain for doing so.
As a guide.
If it takes 1 action, it’s a trivial
2 or 3, or a whole DTA it’s a minor
any more is a major.

If you attempt any violent action it must be Okayed by either myself or our Mighty Constable @Max just to make sure that we can co-ordinate, and may also pend aproval of the Architect.

This is a land full of rich opportunity, but whilst I am in office, that will be done the right way, as a united front.

So decrees the undisputed Baron of the Waikato.

(OOC, I am trying new things ehre and inscentives, if you think anythign here is unfair, please tell me OOC or by direct message, because I will ammend things. I am pretty new to Baron.)

if anyone else has ear the ground I am trying to convince the hunters to go after different prey.
any assistance in this endeavor will be appreciated.
To the Baron would you be upset if the hunters were turned to target the sabat?

i will reward your help with favors if you do not wish to state your abilities publicly I will treat your disclosure of your assistance with the upmost of discression.

If we should need to I am able to boost Others influence by 15 actions in underworld and 13 actions in elite
should we need to cause national coverups or shut down international travel
or something of the like.

and should anyone believe there actions may even slightly cause a breach of the masquerade a heads up will be most appreciated.

Your Humble Architect

I am happy to help. But perhaps the hunters can be sent after the lupines? Sending them after the Sabbat will probably lead to masquerade breeches. The Sabbat’s ability to be subtle can fall epically below that of some our less subtle comrades. Even if the Sabbat cause the masquerade breaches we will probably be the ones covering it up. The sabbat aren’t generally concerned with such matters.

The differences between a lupine and a gangrel who has mastered protean might be beyond the hunters knowledge and directing them that way might confuse them as to exactly what they are facing.

I have some ideas around preventing/covering up masquerade breeches that we could discuss.

By the sounds of it your command over mortal society and its institutions is impressive indeed.

I do believe that htey will learn from a fight with the sabbat, and see them for monsters and assume we are the same. This will mean that it will shut off any attempts to appeal to them on a more… human level, and tehy may have more intel when we do eventually have to deal with them.
Perhaps leaking information about the Arch Bishop could be useful, or getting them to guard the border against anyone coming into the city by possibly convincing them that we often travel in and out.
This will mean there will be less of an assault to learn from and more of a deterrant on further Pack intrusions.
What are your thoughts?

Dear Konstantin.
I share your concerns and views on the matter, however the “Lupines” are not a threat to us. We have reached a shaky alliance, and I would be worried that if we send hunters after them, we may make another enemy.
However, If we can get the hunters to go to another city and be someone elses proble?

The lupines like vampires are not one unified collective so there may be some wiggle room there.

In my opinion the best way to fight hunters is not to fight. The masquerade exists for a reason and that is to combat this very problem. The hunters seem to be part of a much bigger organisation. Killing them merely gives credence to the idea that vampires exist and are here.

Redirecting them is preferable to killing but again in the greater sense still potentially gives them info on us.

If you want to effectively fight hunters use their mortal lives against them. They are an armed group of off the books, armed to the teeth fanatics whose ideology sounds bat shit crazy to most mortals. They most likely are carrying illegal weaponry and getting funds off the radar from shady banks operating out of unregulated banks in the small Caribbean countries. Get the police on to them. destroy their funding, kill their image. Put them on TV as terrorists.

There is another tactic I would like to strongly discourage. That is doing something horrible like maiming (but not killing) of their loved ones. Or similarly infecting them with a long term horrible disease or exposing them to carcinogens. Whilst it would cause any hunter with a heart to immediately leave to stay with their loved ones, it is a tactic not worthy of someone who follows the path of humanity.

In summary to defeat hunters turn the mortal world against them. Every bit of information (especially personal information is valuable). If you come across a hunter safe house don’t be afraid to go through their garbage. Use CSI analysis of their weapons, vehicles fingerprints etc. If the hunters are using the CCTV system find out who is giving them access. Potentially the archtiect can trigger a riot and get rioters to destroy the system

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If this is possible it should absolutely be the decision we make.
The issue is that they are being funded, we have good reason to suspect by a kindred who seems to want to target us.
So just waiting will not work and the Architect, I believe is using his pull to get the mortal world to follow these lines as much as possible.
Any assistance would be appreciated.

@Cass had some info about the hunters. I tried to share it, but words are not my strongest suit.

I know how to get at that wanabe prince… I was gona go have a word with him, tho prehaps somebody better at the words part should come with me.

about them sabbat packs… You point me in the right direction and help clean up after me… No sabbat in my city… This includes that hand, tho i will deal with him later when we have a better plan.

If any other anarchs have something they think I can help with, just let me know and I will do so.

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I am open to suggestions however making them leave hamilton may prove more difficult than changing their intended target

I am more than willing to try my best should you belive this to be a better option

I will try and get the wheels turning on turning the mortal world against them this month

All other suggestions are welcome

Your humble architect

I believe that the Sabbat presence will not be defeated until we change the mind of the Arch Bishop.
And I believe the best way to do that is to harm them directly. Maybe not physically, but enough to make them back off.
There may be a way, in the future to set the Hunters to do this. I feel this woul dbe better than having htem hunt sabbat still in the city.
Merely a musing.

If the hunters are expecting kindred then let them kill off some sabbat, and then as earlier wisdom suggested use the masquerade. Maybe if the hunters come to town expecting kindred and they kill some kindred then we can make it seem that they won and then hear rumours of kindred in wellington say so they move on.

If you are looking to redirect the hunters, I have an ear to the ground that could push them to other issues we are having in or around our city. Being hunters, they have no link back to us, and if we are observant, we can see what they have at their disposal when they hit these targets of opportunity. I could also look into where they are getting their funds and supplies coming in as I have some contacts that could help here.
If anyone is looking for the prince of Hamilton, there is a secret level in the Museum that I believe he is staying at. Beware, there are other Toreador keeping watch in and around the museum trying to stop access. Also I heard the museum is a, what’s the word, elysium I think I heard it called.

Thankyou Steven.
The Hubter situation has become quite dire with differing opinions on what to do about them. It is my official opinion that we shouldn’t have them kill other supernaturals in our city and would rather we aimed them out of town.

(OOC do whatever though bro, your DTA’s and Merits)