From the ffice of the undisputed Baron;
To all anarchs. Our city is being torn in multiple directions, and it is down to us to solve this problem.
No longer are we divided.
No longer are we directionless
No longer are we victims of cruelty anr oppression.
We ahve a place, we have a home, and we have a fellowship, and that is worth more than all else.
But they want to take it from us.
the Sabbat raid taught us a few things.
- there are infernalists of incredible power among them.
- They will nto stop coming until we prove to the Archbishop that we are a force to be reckoned with.
- When we are united, nothing can stop us.
Afterward, we met Fist. A Sabbat elder who is here hunting his next meal. Diablire is something the movement does not, can not and will nto tolerate. We are not slaves to tryign to advance the generations, generation is emaningless. In the eyes of the movement, we are all equal.
However with him came the news that there may be something powerful lurking in our domain. It is of the Baron’s belief that if Fist finds this thign, it doesn;t matter who wins, we lose. Either the thing he awakens kills him, then us, or Fist shows us up for being incompetent further painting the picture that hamilton is up for grabs.
And once again
this is our home, this is not disputed territory.
Out agreement with Fist as it stands, is that he is free to move through the area so long as he doesn;t bring anyone else in, or commit violence against he Anarchs. In exchange we will not bring violence to him.
At least not yet.
In exchange he has given us an up to date location, numbers and strength of all of the packs in or heading to hamilton for this contest. @Bouncer can you please eloborate on this when you have time.
Anyone who presents information that contributes significantly to the elimanation of this contest will reciev a major boon from the domain.
Anyone who wipes out a Pack, will recieve a minor Boon from the domain.
All other information will consitute a trivial boon from the domain.
Of course, any information will have to be given to me as the Authority in roder to collect such a boon
Fist’s body is a Blood boon from the Domain, if it is torpored, a Major if ashed, if an attack is unsuccesful however, you will be a Cherry we need to recognize our limitations.
The hunters
we have a rough timeline of 3 months before they attack.
In force, and in large numbers with intel.
This, is, I believe our most immediate threat.
Information that contributes with exceptional significance in elimnating the hunter threat will the owing of a major Boon on behalf of the domain.
Elimination of a significant portion of the hunter threat will also result in a major boon.
If you can take some action to buy us time without significant consequence, you will recive a Minor Boon.
Any information that leads to their elimination, but that I do not deem as exceptionaly significant, will recieve a trivial boon.
Now on to the Settites.
This is the juradstiction of our esteemed Ambassador, @LyraBlackheart and her assitant @Alice_Bones and she is, i believe handlign the situation. If you wish to aid her in any way, send her a message or lend a DTA, rewards will be at her discretion, but will be run by me for Authorization, should they be boons on behalf of the domain.
For the Camarilla.
If anyone can deliver the Prince torpored to me, you will recieve a Major boon, and your choice of *Connected, Preacher, Defender, Loyal or Honorable * Plus major Kudos.
It goes without saying that all of this needs to be done with the upmost discretion and covering the masquerade. Our Architect @Anthony will help with masquerade breaches, and will extract boons on behalf of the Domain for doing so.
As a guide.
If it takes 1 action, it’s a trivial
2 or 3, or a whole DTA it’s a minor
any more is a major.
If you attempt any violent action it must be Okayed by either myself or our Mighty Constable @Max just to make sure that we can co-ordinate, and may also pend aproval of the Architect.
This is a land full of rich opportunity, but whilst I am in office, that will be done the right way, as a united front.
So decrees the undisputed Baron of the Waikato.