Feeding Grounds

As your humble architect
It is my duty to assign feeding grounds
Over the last months I have managed to talk to some members of our community.

However due to pressing matters popping up I have been unable to speak to everyone

Should you have a preference of what parts of hamilton and its surrounding areas you would like to lay a claim to. Please come and speak to me.

I will announce the official feeding territories in the coming months. If you don’t let me know your preference I will give you what is left at random

How will any new anarch arrivals to our city be allocated feeding grounds once the city has been fully carved up?
What will the punishment be for feeding in someone else’s territory?
If non anarchs feed in a territory reducing its ability to feed the “owning” anarch what assistance can they(the anarch) expect?
Can feeding grounds be traded between anarchs?
Will there be feeding grounds outside Hamilton city?

1)I need to find out what geographical jurisdiction our court controls before I can fully finalize feeding grounds (can an st clarify this or someone who has seen or read our area of control)

In character
2)the punishment shall be discussed and decided as a group by vote
And breaches will be dealt with according to that vote and discussion
3)I will provide an area for new anarchs to feed from
4)if anarchs wish to trade feeding territories feel free to do so I only wish to be kept in the loop
5)if an arachs territories is used by outsiders
I will provide blood to the victim should they need assistance feeding

And I expect that the sherif will do their duty to defend the anarchs feeding ground from future assaults

Ooc if I missed anything please ask for clarification

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OOC: I think it’s generally considered/acknowledged that the Barony covers the general city limits of Hamilton. There might be more, but I can’t remember what it is.

My area is mine.
If non anarchs are giving you trouble let me know, they get told to leave

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Thank you for your offer of assistance should it be needed Bronx it is most welcome from a defender of our domain

…I do like Te Rapa, if it’s going, you know, in case somebody has got in first.

Sticking to allocated territories reduces the risk of hunters finding us, and there are hunters …

My forest is all I need


This is an approximate area of the Barony as it stood game 1. Essentially, Hamilton, Raglan, Te Awamutu, Cambridge, Morrinsville, Huntly. Whether people lay claim and maintain this radius or choose to maintain Hamilton City as the centre of power in order to not have to guard outer areas is something that is up to player choice.

@Player since this is the first time I’ve used an image for this area.

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Ooc: oh shit that is a lot bigger than i thought

Population density of the waikato

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Breakdown by township … as per Waikato - Wikipedia

How many kine does it take to support 1 kindred?

@Bouncer - make a call so the architect knows how stretched feeding is :slight_smile:


It does sound like a management problem, and I mean that both ways.

If we are using feeding territories then perhaps we might consider using the optional feeding rules which incorporate rules on territories, resonance and dyscrasia.

This is something I am currently considering, the main deciding factor as to whether we will use them is how severe the increased administrative burden will become for Downtimes.

Also I will think on the population question and get back to you @John.Bull . Official VTM states 1 in 100k but that would mean we could have about 5 Kindred in the Waikato. Stupid ratio.

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I was more inclined to flag areas as easy/plentiful, standard or dangerous/barren.

if hunters etc are active in an area then it is dangerous to feed there, so 1 extra DTA to feed or only 50% etc, whereas ripe and easy areas may yield more blood or support more kindred?

The resonance stuff may however add too much overhead.

[edit] I like the idea of plot elements making feeding trickier, riskier or less fruitful. But rather than a blanket everyone needs 2 DTAs to feed then the social aspect of the game comes in where the Architect can (for a favour maybe) make sure that their clients are well fed, or if your “turf” gets congested you need help to drive out the interlopers feeding there illegally. It makes it a social dynamic that can engage players. Must be balanced with overheads for the ST crew though.

In the past, campaigns have just increased the population of Hamilton by a factor of 10, so flipping it and reducing the requirement to 1-10,000 is probably just as easy.

There are around 20 Anarchs, which would normally be fine at that ratio, but the miscellaneous extras (Cam/Sabbat/others) are putting stress on the supplies. Hence the conflict, I guess.


So I actually think that this idea sounds really cool, and I agree with Blair than 1 in 10,000 would be apt. With my commitments as they are though I’d basically need a player to step up and handle the feeding elements of DTAs to make this work. If anyone is interested in managing the feeding system send me a private message.

I have a couple of ideas, a) how complicated do you want it? do you want to make it a full economy of blood? (And give people things to fight over) do we want to do humors? So to make it a mixed bag? Do we want to involve feeding styles? Per instance sandman being a lot easier in suburbia rather than the rack? (Corispondingly siren working the other way)
There a lot of story that can be added (by being in the right or wrong place at the right or wrong time :slight_smile: ), it could take a bit of work. I’m keen.